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Discover the Power of Succeed 360 for Management Teams

Ready to Boost Your Team?

Why Use Succeed 360 for Management Teams?


  1. Full Leadership Review: Explore 9 leadership competencies to know where you shine and what needs work.

  2. In-depth Skill Check: Break those qualities into 27 leadership skills so nothing gets missed.

  3. Custom Tips: Each manager gets feedback just for them, helping them grow.

  4. Team Snapshot: See the whole team's strengths and areas to improve with one big report.

  5. Smart Growth: Use the report to make good choices and plan individual and development areas based on real data.


  1. 360° Check: The tool for managers to get feedback from all sides.

  2. Smart Analysis Tool: Our special formula that looks at leadership skills.

  3. Personal Reports: Every manager gets a report on their strengths and what they can work on.

  4. Team's Big Picture: Combine all reports to see how the whole team is doing.

CEO of a 60+ team:

"The Succeed 360 report was an eye-opener. It showed me how my team sees me versus how I see myself. It pointed out areas I need to work on and strengths I didn't realize I had. I'm excited to use this feedback for training. Thanks for this detailed review”

How Succeed 360 for Management Teams Operates

1. Sign Up and Get Started:

  • Pay and sign up on our platform.

  • We'll send you an email in a day with easy instructions and survey links for your team. If you get stuck, we're here to help with a support call.

2. 360° Review Process:

  • Share the survey links for a complete leadership review:

    A) Self-Evaluation: Managers assess their own leadership skills.

    B) From Peers: Feedback from two peers.

    C)Direct Report View: Thoughts from three team members below the manager.

    D) Manager View: Feedback from two higher-ups.

This combined feedback gives a full picture of a manager's strengths and areas to improve.

3. Get Detailed Reports:

  • Every manager receives a detailed report based on our special formula.

  • These reports point out strengths, areas of concern, and chances to grow.

4. Team-Wide Report:

  • All the individual feedback is combined into one big team report.

  • This report shows the overall skills and areas to work on for the whole team.

5. Your Next Steps:

  • Plan for Improvement:

    • With all this information, create a plan to train and develop your managers.

    • Find main areas to focus on, use strengths to your advantage, and fix any skill gaps for a stronger team.

Succeed 360 Management Team

Boost leadership skills for your whole team.


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Common Questions

1. What is the Succeed 360 Manager Assessment?

It's a detailed tool that checks 9 leadership areas and 27 skills. By getting feedback from yourself and others, you'll see your leadership pros and cons.

2. How long does Succeed 360 take?

It depends on how quick your team is with surveys. Usually, it's 2-6 weeks for the best results.

3. Is the feedback anonymous?

Absolutely! Everything is anonymous. No one in the company, including managers, can see who gave which feedback. The individual responses are kept confidential.

4. Can we see a sample before we buy?

Yes! We can show you a demo or send a sample report. Just contact us

About Us

Making Leaders Shine, Team by Team

Started in 2022, Succeed 360 believes deeply in the magic of great leadership. Our goal? Change how teams see and use their leadership strengths.

We're a mix of leadership pros, business minds, and tech wizards. Our team's background? Big names like IKEA, Deutsche Bank, Microsoft, and more. This wide experience shapes our dream: to create forward-thinking organizations focused on people and positive change.

In today's world, teams need clear steps, not just advice. That's why our special Succeed 360 Assessment focuses on 9 leadership competences and 27 skills.

We're proud to work with various partners, helping them shine as leaders and achieve more.

Come redefine leadership with us for today's world.

Boost Your Team's Leadership with Succeed 360

Find out what makes your team special, learn game-changing insights, and aim for the top with Succeed 360.

Ready to change how your team leads?

Need more details or custom advice? Contact us!