Welcome to Lead & Succeed Podcast

Your comprehensive guide to navigating the leadership landscape of startups.

In every episode, we delve into vital strategies from successful leaders, answer pressing leadership questions, and explore team dynamics and culture-building.

Whether you're spearheading a new venture or scaling an existing startup, we provide you with crucial tools and inspiration.

Together, we'll grow, lead, and chart a course towards success in this thrilling entrepreneurial journey.

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EP18-LQOTD-18 How do you prioritize tasks as a leader?
Podcast Jens Heitland Podcast Jens Heitland

EP18-LQOTD-18 How do you prioritize tasks as a leader?

While the initial thought might be that as a leader, it's your job to prioritize all tasks. The podcast episode presented a different perspective. Instead, the key lies in *empowering* your team members to prioritize their own tasks. Leadership, it seems, is less about controlling every detail and more about fostering an environment where individuals can manage and prioritize their responsibilities themselves.

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