The Succeed Leader Index

A tool designed to measure and provide insights into 9 leadership competencies and 27 leadership skills of leaders. 

Our aim is to enhance leadership effectiveness and ultimately improve the performance of your company. Through a comprehensive and systematic evaluation process and algorithm, we assess key leadership competences and skills that are crucial for success.

What is the Leader Index?

The Leader Index is a tool that measures 9 key leadership competences:

1. Communication Skills

2. Emotional Intelligence

3. Influence and Persuasion

4. Interpersonal Skills

5. Adaptability

6. Problem-Solving and Decision Making

7. Vision and Purpose

8. Empowerment

9. Integrity

And 27 Leadership skills:

The Index is not a test but a tool for self-awareness and growth. It provides valuable feedback on a leader's strengths and areas that might need improvement. 

How does it work?

The evaluation process is based on our unique 360-degree measurement system.

It includes:

Step 1: Self-Evaluation

Leaders rate themselves on each skill through an online questionnaire.

Step 2: Leader Self Evaluation Report

The Leader receives an in depth Report and the Self Evaluation Rating.

Step 3: 360 Evaluation

Every Leader ask min 3 direct reports , 2 peers, and 2 managers to evaluate them through the Succeed 360 Leadership Survey

Step 4: 360 Leadership Report

Every Leader receives an in depth Report for all competences and skills and the gap analysis

Why use the Succeed Leader Index?

The Succeed Leader Index is not just an assessment tool; it's a strategic enabler for organizational growth and leadership excellence. Here's why forward-thinking businesses trust our Index:

  • Strategic Self-Awareness: Pinpoint leadership strengths and pinpoint areas that require enhancement for optimal performance.

  • Behavioral Impact Analysis: Gain an understanding of how leadership actions and decisions resonate within teams, affecting productivity and morale.

  • Evaluate Leadership Effectiveness: Assess the suitability and impact of a leader's approach in alignment with organizational goals.

  • Bolster Leadership Initiatives: Offer empirical support to leadership development programs, ensuring they're tailored to address real-world challenges.

  • Track Progress Over Time: Continually measure shifts in leadership competences and skills, guaranteeing growth is both tangible and actionable.

  • Strengthen Funding Propositions: Empower startups with quantifiable leadership metrics, augmenting their position during investor discussions.

Our commitment goes beyond mere assessment. By rigorously evaluating these critical leadership competences, our objective is to equip leaders with the insights needed to steer their teams with precision, purpose, and unmatched efficacy.

We believe in the power of effective leadership,

and with the Succeed Leader Index, we hope to provide you with a tool that supports your journey to becoming the best leader you can be. 

Ready to get started?

Take the FREE Self Evaluation Survey today.